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Cafcass is seeking partners that are interested in delivering a support service for families in family court proceedings. Cafcass requires suppliers to hold NACCC Enhanced accreditation and Cyber Essentials certification at the start of any competiti ....
WCC Family Wraparound Service (Phase 2) - Urgent Outreach for Families in Crisis
Buyer : Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to commission a single provider to provide an Urgent Outreach for Families in Crisis service that offers intensive, daily support with routines and activities for families at risk of crisis due to ....
Dundee City Council are seeking Providers with the appropriate experience to prove a range of services/resources for the Children and Families (CFS) within a Flexible Framework Agreement. The service could be, but is not limited to Schools, Care Esta ....
Prepaid Cards for Families and Children in Care
Stoke-on-Trent City Council is seeking to procure a provider for prepaid cards for use by families and children in care. These cards will replace cash payments and must allow the council to securely manage and reload funds for eligible users. The pre ....
Kirklees Families Together Area Partnerships (Family Hubs)
Buyer : Kirklees Council
Quotations are invited by the Council of the Borough of Kirklees (the "Council") from Suppliers with relevant experience and ability to demonstrate sufficient capacity for a VCSE provider who will oversee the development, coordination and d ....
Flexible Purchasing System for Short Breaks Support for Children, Young People & Families for the following services: Lot 1 - Care & Personal Support (including Domiciliary and Social Care) Lot 2 - Befriending and Outreach Service Lot 3 - Ses ....
The Council require a training Provider to provide/contribute to the annual CPD requirements for legal updates for social workers at the Council, who undertake Achieving Best Evidence interviews. Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) is the national protocol ....
This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon ICB's ("the Commissioner"), intention to commission technology and services to support the development of its health information and signposting for maternity ....
Re-procurement under HCA PSR using Direct Award C for the Tier 2 weight management programme for children from 5-19 and their families for West Sussex County Council.
Provision of an Integrated Specialist Intensive Home Visiting Service for Vulner ....
Buyer : Derbyshire County Council
CPH033 Provision of an Integrated Specialist Intensive Home Visiting Service for Vulnerable Families and Young People
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