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NCCT40474 - Substance Misuse Services for Young People, Family and Friends
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Family and Friends Advice Line Contract Variation
Surrey Children's Services Academy is seeking a provider to provide an accessibl ....
Buyer : surrey county council
Surrey Children's Services Academy is seeking a provider to provide an accessible online digital range of learning content specifically developed for Foster Carers, Children's Homes, Leaving Care and the wider Children's Services covering a range of ....
Family and Friends Advice Line Contract Variation
Family and Friends Advice Line
An information and advice service for families, kinship carers and special guardians. Often these will be carers for children who are either at risk or are already involved in the care system in England.
Family and Friends Advice Line
An information and advice service for families, kinship carers and special guardians. Often these will be carers for children who are either at risk or are already involved in the care system in England.
Provision of Family and Friends Test.
Buyer : Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
This is the Award for provision of a comprehensive and integrated system to collect, process and report on FFT feedback collected from multiple sites and locations within the Trust.
NCCT40474 - Substance Misuse Services for Young People, Family and Friends.
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council on behalf of the Norfolk Drug and Alcohol Partnership sought a provider(s) to deliver substance misuse services for young people in Norfolk.The Invitation to Tender document invited tenders for the following Lots:Lot 1 Service ....
Surrey Children's Services Academy is seeking a provider to provide an accessibl ....
Buyer : surrey county council
Surrey Children's Services Academy is seeking a provider to provide an accessible online digital range of learning content specifically developed for Foster Carers, Children's Homes, Leaving Care and the wider Children's Services covering a range of ....
Provision of Family and Friends Test.
Buyer : Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of a comprehensive and integrated system to collect, process and report on FFT feedback collected from multiple sites and locations within the Trust.
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