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Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for the Supply and Installation of Flooring and Furnishings. The services will be split into 4 Categories, as follow ....
Domestic Furniture and Furnishings
Buyer : Scotland Excel
18393 - DPSQ For the Purchase & Installation of Soft Furnishings
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS will be co-ordinated and manag ....
Provision of Furnishings and Personal Items for the Syrian Resettlement Programm ....
Buyer : Cardiff Council
On behalf of both the Vale and Cardiff Council, we are seeking a single provider to supply and deliver the appropriate furnishings, white goods and personal kit for the accommodation used to house those beneficiaries of the SRP across the Region.Plea ....
Supply of Soft Furnishings - AWARD
Buyer : The Riverside Group Limited
This contract will be for the supply of bedding and bed linen packs, towels and kitchenware to TRG's Care & Support schemes.
Buyer : The Riverside Group
The Riverside Care and Support Division of The Riverside Group works with a diverse range of customers, providing personalised accommodation and support services designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing in Psychologically Informed Environmen ....
Provision of Maritime Consumables and Furnishings
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Notice of the Contract Award decision for the Maritime Consumables and Furnishings framework.
Provision of Maritime Consumables and Furnishings
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Notice of the Contract Award decision for the Maritime Consumables and Furnishings framework.
Provision of Maritime Consumables and Furnishings
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Notice of the Contract Award decision for the Maritime Consumables and Furnishings framework.
Maritime Consumables and Furnishings
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Notice of the Contract Award decision for the Maritime Consumables and Furnishings framework.
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