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Green Jobs and the Green Economy in York Research Report
Buyer : city of york council
City of York Council seek to procure researchers to produce a report which examines the current, and forecasts the future, 'green' economy in York, with special regards to 'green' jobs and 'green' skills.
Green Jobs and the Green Economy in York Research Report
Buyer : city of york council
City of York Council seek to procure researchers to produce a report which examines the current, and forecasts the future, 'green' economy in York, with special regards to 'green' jobs and 'green' skills.
Green Jobs in Scotland – Workforce and Demand Research
Buyer : Skills Development Scotland Co. Limited
The scope of the tendered services covers provision of a report which will be split into two main sections and conducted over a 12 week period. The first section will look at the green jobs workforce carrying out secondary research drawing on data fr ....
CLF Green Jobs and Skills Research (Consultancy)
Buyer : City of London Corporation
1.2This research and project activity will assist our boroughs in shaping central London's green recovery. There are two distinct aims: -To work with Central London Forward's (CLF) boroughs to form a shared understanding and establish a definition of ....
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