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The commissioning of health economic evaluation expertise to demonstrate the economic impact of the national Integrated Community Stroke Service (ICSS) model
GMS Alliance ctDNA National Transformation Economics Project Health Economics
Buyer : great ormond street hospital for children nhs trust
To build the evidence base for the further roll out of ctDNA testing in the NHS, NHS England convened a group of experts to scope a project to explore ctDNA starting with 700 patients with suspected thoracic malignancy.
Health Economics Feasibility Study- Specialised Commissioning
Buyer : nhs england
Evaluating the feasibility of standard health economics models to replace the current relative prioritisation process for all cost-pressure policies within Specialised Commissioning
NHS - Galleri: Health Economic Evaluation
Buyer : nhs england
National Evaluator to conduct a health economic evaluation of the NHS-Galleri research test. The requirements are: i) to scope and plan the evaluation through model conceptualisation and development, ii) to understand and obtain the model inputs requ ....
Contract Title*\tTackling drug misuse in prisons: health economics analysis of d ....
Buyer : ministry of justice
Research Services to conduct a health economics analysis of random mandatory drug testing (rMDT) and wastewater based surveillance (WBS), to develop a decision model to evaluate the potential costs and consequences of WBS compared to rMDT over time.
Newborns Health Economics Model Re-Build
Buyer : genomics england limited
Converting the Newborns genomic screening health economic TreeAge model into a fully editable Excel-based model, as well as making several modifications to the model structure and assumptions
t is proposed that the AMR Programme within NHS England commission external health economic expertise, most likely from a UK academic institution, to undertake a value assessment of AMR diagnostic technology and the system-wide impact of improving in ....
We are looking for an external provider to run a suite of short courses on Health Economics to support our technical staff with their continuing professional development. further details are within the attached specification
Genomic Screening Health Economics and Feasibility
Buyer : genomics england limited
Genomic Screening Health Economics and Feasibility
Consultancy - Health Economics Unit
Buyer : staffordshire and lancashire commissioning support unit
Consulting:HEU Provision of Tableau consulting, requirements gathering and dashboard development. Estimated delivery time of 40 man days (300 hours).
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