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Arts Council of Wales Reach the Heights Arts Participation Programme
Buyer : Arts Council Of Wales
The development and implementation of a range of programmes of free participatory arts activities, workshops and projects for young people aged between 11-19 years old who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or young people who are a ....
Final Evaluation of the Reach the Heights Programme
Buyer : Welsh Government
Final Evaluation of Reach the Heights Programme Reach the Heights aims to strengthen the position of young people in Wales between the ages of 11 and 19 in relation to opportunities for learning, advice, support and guidance, including those who are ....
Arts Council of Wales Reach the Heights Arts Participation Programme
Buyer : Arts Council Of Wales
The development and implementation of a range of programmes of free participatory arts activities, workshops and projects for young people aged between 11-19 years old who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or young people who are a ....
Arts Council of Wales Reach the Heights Arts Training Programme
Buyer : Arts Council Of Wales
The development and implementation of a structured and accredited training programme specially designed for professionals who work with young people, particularly young people who are underachieving and at risk of droping out of education and employm ....
Lift Modernisation in Dawson Heights
Temporary accommodation at New Heights KS2 at Mill Road
Replacement of Heat Interface Units and Hot Water Stores - Saxton Gardens and Co ....
Buyer : leeds city council
Replacement of Heat Interface Units and Hot Water Stores - Saxton Gardens and Cottingley Heights & Towers
CCC/028/23 - Appointment of Main Contractor for the Construction of Errigal Heig ....
Buyer : Cork City Council
Construction of Errigal Heights Housing Development, which comprises 28 nr. new housing units along with associated infrastructure and Public Realm Works.
Safe Working at Heights training for SORT staff
Buyer : Scottish Ambulance Service
Safe Working at Heights Training
Kett's Heights Access Improvements
Buyer : norwich city council
Works are required to improve the accessibility of the Kett's Height open space in Norwich so that the space can be enjoyed by all. By carrying out this work, it would make the site accessible for people who are unable to use the stairs. The scope of ....
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