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Support for the development and scoping of the technical and commercial strategy for microwave sources (gyrotrons) for STEP’s Heating and Current Drive System
High Power Supercontinuum Laser
Buyer : Cardiff University
Cardiff University have a requirement to purchase a supercontinuum Laser with broad operating wavelength from visible to near infrared. The light source should have high repetition rate and narrow pulse width. We expect it is compatible to an externa ....
Provide analysis to further inform and demonstrate the case for the cost effective roll out of HPEVCPs focused on but not limited to Traffic Officer Service (TOS) vehicles that will inform and support future development of a sustainable cost-effectiv ....
UKRI-3669 PIP-II High Power Couplers
Buyer : uk research & innovation
This procurement covers the manufacturing, treatment, testing and documentation of 20 high- power couplers for 650 MHz cryomodules for the high-β section of the proton LINAC for the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II)
ORT0108 - A High Powered Charge Point Strategy for NH Electric Vehicles - Variat ....
Buyer : national highways
National Highways have requested an additional named location be added to the scope of work (Godstone), taking the total number of specified locations from 4 to 5. This is to cover a potential future scenario identified with regards to NH's facilitie ....
ORT0108 A High Powered Charge Point Strategy for National Highways Electric Vehi ....
Buyer : national highways
Feasibility study to investigate and develop a High-Powered Charging Strategy for NH's EV fleet leading to recommendations and framework for the roll out of ultra rapid charge points (+150kW) at depots, outstations, and ROCs.
***Please note this is an award notice, not a call for competition*** UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) had a requirement for High power mirrors. This procurement has been concluded via a Competitive Quotation (below threshold)
ACC2038084 High power battery for DEW
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
Published for DASA transparency reasons only
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise. Award notice for the supply of Behlke HTS Specialist High Power SCR to UKRI - STFC.
UKRI-2502 EPAC High Power Laser Mirror Substrate
Buyer : uk research and innovation
Proposals are sought by UK Research and Innovation's (UKRI's) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for the supply of High Power Laser Mirror Substrates for use as part of the EPAC Project. The tender documents describe the technical speci ....
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