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Buyer : University of Leeds
NOTICE OF AWARD OF a High-resolution LC-MS
Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure a Dedicated High-Resolution Sm ....
Buyer : Queen's University Belfast
Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure a Dedicated High-Resolution Small and Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering Instrument.
Supply, installation and commissioning of High-Resolution Germanium Detector
Buyer : nuclear restoration services limited (dounreay)
Supply, installation and commissioning of High-Resolution Germanium Detector
Buyer : University of Glasgow
GI High-Resolution Manometry / Water Perfused system required for delivery by 28.03.24 PLEASE NOTE - the attached Terms of Offer and NHS Terms & Conditions which would govern any agreements made following this exercise. From April 2024, NHS supplies, ....
WP1.3 - High-Resolution Digital Image Correlation Systems for Structural Analysi ....
Buyer : university of plymouth
The University of Plymouth is looking to reinforce its reputation as an innovative centre of excellence for engineering research, teaching and learning. The new Engineering and Design facility (NEDF) being constructed on the western edge of the main ....
GB-Egham: RHUL-23018 Procurement of a High-Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer
Buyer : royal holloway and bedford new college, k/a royal holloway university of london
AWARDED: A contract to Bruker UK Limited under Lot 10 (Polycrystalline & Crystalline X-ray Analysis Equipment) of the National Higher Education High Value Laboratory Equipment Framework V6.0 (agreement reference no: LAB3123NW) for the procurement of ....
Supply, installation and commissioning of a high-resolution mass spectrometer an ....
Buyer : university of sheffield
The University of Sheffield's School of Biosciences is looking to procure a high-resolution mass spectrometer and liquid chromatography system. The equipment will be supplied, installation and commissioning on-site at the School of Biosciences. The i ....
LA2104C - Supply, Delivery, and Installation of a High-Resolution High-Speed Cam ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for a high-speed camera with associated optics to support a high temporal and spatial resolution imaging system for a research lab setting. Please note the illumination laser is out of scope. We require a 10 million frames per seco ....
ID 3632855 DAERA - FAEB EMSD - High-resolution optical benthic monitoring equipm ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
As part of a strategic capital investment in the assessment and monitoring of carbon transport, storage and fluxes into and out of Northern Ireland’s benthic environments AFBI is seeking to procure a suite of new equipment to support field sampling ....
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