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RFP 1086 (prj_1231) GRANT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - To pilot, develop and test to pr ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
Award of GRANT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - To pilot, develop and test to provide proof of concept to improve services for offenders with learning disabilities and autism, and to provide access to expert advice to support sentence planning to improve outcom ....
The Foundation aims to drive up standards in maths and English for all learners, in line with Ofsted's focus on the importance of consistently good or better teaching, learning and assessment, and the current government policy to drive up standards i ....
Surrey County Council is seeking to tender the Community Pharmacy Public Health ....
Buyer : surrey county council
Surrey County Council is seeking to tender Community Pharmacy Public Health Services for Surrey only under a new Dynamic Purchasing System containing 7 Lots.
70464, Immersive technology to improve outcomes for pupils with ASD — Phase I
Buyer : Education Authority NI
The Education Authority (EA) in Northern Ireland hereby invites tenders under the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) for the development of innovative solutions using immersive technology that improve educational, emotional and behavioural out ....
GRANT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - To pilot, develop and test to provide proof of concept to improve services for offenders with learning disabilities and autism, and to provide access to expert advice to support sentence planning to improve outcomes. Furth ....
NOMS-Reducing Reoffending-Tender to Pilot a new approach that will improve outco ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
NOMS are inviting expressions of interest for a Grant Award to support an organisation with work that is aimed at encouraging and to foster interpersonal relationships between staff and service users. Developing an understanding of the needs of the s ....
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