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Provision of a Mixed Inpatient and Community Rehabilitation Service
Buyer : Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Title: Specialist Mental Health Services for Inpatient eating Disorder
Buyer : Dorset Health Care University NHS Foundation Trust
This to inform the Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust is using the provider selection Regime direct award process c to award Specialised Eating Disorders (Adults) to Priory Healthcare Limited. The contract will be for twelve months. Pr ....
Provision of Neurosurgery Inpatient and Outpatient Services - HUTHPSR Most Suitable Provider Procedure (CPV: 85121300-6)
Funding bids were invited from our NHS and VCFSE Provider Collaborative Partners for service developments and innovative projects which align with the priorities set out in the draft Birmingham and Solihull ICS 3 Year Strategic Plan for Mental Health ....
Adult Mental Health Inpatient Services (Adults Inpatient Acute / PICU)
Buyer : Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
This Prior Information Notice is to alert the market that the Authority shall have a requirement for the provision of occupationally focused high-quality mental health service to service personnel and entitled eligible civilians deemed to require an ....
Provision of a GP Service for Forensic Inpatients at Hatherton Centre & Ellesmere House at St Georges Hospital, Stafford & Clee Building at The Redwoods Centre, Shrewsbury
Provision of Neurosurgery Inpatient and Outpatient Services - HUTH
Buyer : Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of Neurosurgery Inpatient and Outpatient Services - HUTH
Funding bids were invited from our NHS and VCFSE Provider Collaborative Partners for service developments and innovative projects which align with the priorities set out in the draft Birmingham and Solihull ICS 3 Year Strategic Plan for Mental Health ....
Provision of a GP Service for Forensic Inpatients at Hatherton Centre & Ellesmere House at St Georges Hospital, Stafford & Clee Building at The Redwoods Centre, Shrewsbury
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