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Lowestoft Town Hall - Audio Visual Supply and Installation.
Buyer : Lowestoft Town Council
Lowestoft Town Council is looking to engage a suitably experienced Contractor to specify, provide and install audio-visual systems throughout Lowestoft Town Hall, including in the historic Council Chamber, several meeting rooms and an events hall. Th ....
Platform Housing is looking for one contractor to complete the following specifi ....
Buyer : platform housing group
Hot water generator boiler replacement x2 and heat network optimisation tender at our Hereford Extra Care Scheme - Rose Garden, Ledbury Road, Hereford
Localised SDC Control System For 7225 & 6154 Testing Machines- (Norton Hydraulic ....
Buyer : university of the west of england
Localised SDC Control System For 7225 & 6154 Testing Machines- (Norton Hydraulics equipment) upgrade and installation. SDC digital controller
Aberdeen Harbour Board Water mains installation.
Buyer : Aberdeen Harbour Board
Installation of a new water main to service two harbour facilities.
Building Energy Management System — Upgrade of Existing Controls Installation.
Buyer : The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The renewal or upgrade of parts of the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning controls and the Building Energy Management Systems to improve the monitoring and control of energy use and to enable remote operation.
Term Service Contract For Electrical Testing, Repairs, Maintenance And Installat ....
Installation of Mains Isolators.
Museum Exhibition Design and Installation.
Buyer : London Borough of Hillingdon
The design, supply and installation of a permanent exhibition within a new building.
NA Wireless Project (Delivery Phase) — Network Upgrade and Installation.
Buyer : University of Southampton
The University of Southampton is planning to deploy an improved wireless service to a number of buildings using a revised approach for design, installation, assurance and handover methodology. The University is contracting to secure one or more suppl ....
The objective and deliverables of the contract will be to provide the authority with the supply and installation of solar panels.The solution should be aimed at providing the best outcome for the Coal Authority in terms of both energy savings and inc ....
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