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Market Exploration - Expresion of Interests - Garreglwyd Residential Home, Holyh ....
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
Exploring the possible market for GarreglwydAs you may be aware the Isle of Anglesey County Council is considering future provision of services for social care and accommodation needs of older people. This is outlined within our Service Intentions do ....
Call Offs from Framework TD2021 (Best Interests Assessors) Q1 2024/25
To advise of call offs/spend, over £25k, from Framework TD2021 (Best Interests Assessors) for Q1 2024/25.
Best Interests Assessments (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards DoLS) Services
Buyer : staffordshire county council
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are designed to protect the interests of extremely vulnerable individuals accommodated in care homes and hospitals. Individuals who have a mental disorder such as dementia or a profound learning disability ....
Provision of Best Interests Assessors -Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Buyer : cheshire east council
The Department of Health stipulates that the Supervisory Body has to recruit suitably trained and qualified Best Interests Assessors to undertake specialist assessments under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Buyer : derby city council
Provision of Best Interest Assessors to establish whether there is a deprivation of liberty and whether this is: •in fact in the person's best interests •needed to keep the person safe from harm •a reasonable response to the likelihood of the p ....
Best Interests Assessment for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding
Buyer : Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
The council is looking for a contractor to complete 350 assessments within the contract period. Assessments may be requested to be undertaken either by a Best Interest Assessor or a Mental Health Assessor. Best interests assessments; comprise of the ....
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Best Interests Assessor
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Leicestershire County Councils Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Team is seeking to appoint suitably experienced individuals / organisations to a framework for Best Interests Assessors. When a referral for Deprivation of Liberty is made a qual ....
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Best Interests Assessor
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Leicestershire County Councils Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Team is seeking to appoint suitably experienced individuals / organisations to a framework for Best Interests Assessors. When a referral for Deprivation of Liberty is made a qual ....
NNL are seeking expressions for interest from Injection Moulding suppliers to manufacture Carbon Ceramic Compacts with embedded fuel kernels. The Dies are to be loaded with powder before pressing at 20MPa and 200 degrees Celsius. If this is of intere ....
Best Interests Assessments (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards DoLS) Services
Buyer : Staffordshire County Council
The Service is for the supply of Best Interests Assessors to carry out Best Interests Assessments (BIA) as a part of the assessment process for the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which is a statutory function of the Local Authority.
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