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QQ24039 - Animal Health, Welfare and Disease Control/Inspection of Premises whic ....
Buyer : wolverhampton city council
Contract to undertake Animal Health, Welfare and Disease Control and the Inspection of Premises which carry out Licensable Activities Involving Animals Functions.
TfGM Internal Alterations involving HVAC (Control Room)
Buyer : transport for greater manchester
TfGM have a need to change the layout and size of the Control Room area at 2 Piccadilly Place. This requirement has come about because the control room needs to expand due to the Bee Network coming onboard. Alterations to the 2nd floor control room i ....
Contract for the Provision of an Independent Tenant & Leaseholder Advisor (ITLA) ....
Buyer : london borough of waltham forest
This project is above £25000.
Buyer : nhs south of england procurement services
NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG have direct awarded to Help and Care from 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022. For services described as: To develop a collaborative model of working with the four Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthwatch ....
Conversion of teaching space at Glenside 1F011 into the Skills Suite involving p ....
Buyer : university of the west of england
Conversion of teaching space at Glenside 1F011 into the Skills Suite involving provision of IPSs, associated M&E works and new flooring
GRANT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY -To develop and pilot more inclusive services for olde ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
Grant Funding Opportunity - To develop and pilot more inclusive services for older prisoners (including minority older prisoners) and to improve resettlement planning, involving families where appropriate.
General Grounds Maintenance of Public Rights of Way as required, primarily invol ....
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
This contract larglely involves the strimming of numerous sites around Flintshire. There is also a minimal requirement for hedge cutting and tractor grass cuttingThis contract covers the supply of the above services to Flintshire County Council’s P ....
This project aims to map existing land-based citizen science research infrastructure across England, with an additional in-depth focus on initiatives involving farmers in environmental data collection. The objective is to identify opportunities to en ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Government and COSLA have a shared ambition to develop trauma-informed workforce and services across Scotland, which can help support children, young people and adults affected by psychological trauma by reducing barriers to services, pr ....
WCCC 22/411 Tramore Pier Repair - Improvement works to Tramore Pier involving st ....
Buyer : Waterford City and County Council
Remediation works to wall of seaward side of South Pier (east wall) from kink in wall to inner entrance pier. Casting a new RC wall (300mm thickness) to the exposed face. Remediation works to wall & slipway below cliff face (north wall). Casting a ne ....
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