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LGH1544F - Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two (2) X ICP-OES ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for the supply and installation of two (2) benchtop ICP-OES systems each with an Autosampler and accessories for the analysis of animal feedingstuffs, fertilisers and limestones including, but not limited to, feed materials (organi ....
UK SBS RE160396 Supply of Laboratory.
Buyer : UK Shared Business Services Ltd
UK Shared Business Services Ltd. as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a Pan Government Collaborative Framework Agreement for use by UK public sector bodies identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations), which inclu ....
Buyer : University of Leeds
The Award of a Contract for the Provision of Hardware in respect of a Smart Grid Laboratory.
Thermal Analysis Equipment for Thermal Energy Research accelerator (T-ERA) Labor ....
The University of Warwick, School of Engineering, Thermal Analysis Equipment. The requirement consists of 5 lots as follows:Lot 1 — Xenon Flash (or similar) analyser for thermal conductivity, diffusivity measurement;Lot 2 — Calorimeter;Lot 3 — ....
Collaborative Teaching Laboratory.
Buyer : University of Birmingham
The Collaborative Teaching Laboratory (CTL) represents a significant investment by the University of Birmingham (UoB) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects with a vision to transform practical teaching in this area.The C ....
Design, Supply and Installation of Mechanical Calibration Laboratory.
The design, supply and installation of a modern, showcase standard, self-contained mechanical calibration laboratory to be installed within the current production area. The minimum criteria to be met are: the successful tenderer must hold BS OHSAS 18 ....
MHRA - Estates - New Pipework for Gas Supply to Existing Laboratory.
Project Description The project comprises refurbishment of an existing laboratory from Containment level 2 to 3 (ACDP 3). The pipework for gas supply is the major part of this project. Site The site for the works is the existing South block at NIBSC. ....
Bespoke Mobile Trace Gas and Stable Isotopes Measurement Laboratory.
Buyer : The University Of Manchester
Bespoke mobile trace gas and stable isotopes measurement laboratory utilising cutting-edge laser absorption technology for ammonia and nitrous oxide (N2O) gases.
Provision of Molecular Diagnostic Systems for a Clinical Pathology Laboratory.
Buyer : Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustProvision of Molecular Diagnostic Systems for a Clinical Pathology Laboratory.The Pathology Department provides a molecular testing service to Lancashire and South Cumbria in the North West of England. Molecular ....
UK SBS CON15004 Inner and Outer Hall Refurbishment, Daresbury Laboratory.
Buyer : NHS Shared Business Services Ltd (NHS SBS)
UK Shared Business Services Ltd as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for Science and Technology Facilities Council.Refurbishment of the inner and outer hall at Daresbury Laboratory. The works are to replace all existing claddin ....
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