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Durham Tees Valley Adult Learning Disabilities - Lived Experience Coproduction
To work in partnership with the Tees Esk and Wear valley trust to support adults (aged 18+) who have a learning disability within the Durham and Tees valley area. Supporting the process of gathering feedback, insight and guidance that will then be fe ....
Lived Experience Services across the South East Health and Justice Secure Estate ....
Buyer : NHS England
This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to facilitate engagement with potential providers and relates only to a pre-procurement market questionnaire. NHS England Health & Justice South East (the Commissioner) seeks to re-commission ....
Inpatient Quality Transformation - Lived Experience Review
Buyer : Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS trust
AWP is considering conducting a procurement process to find a partner who is experienced in providing engagement and co-production methodologies in mental health, ideally across cohorts of people with experience of acute inpatient care, rehabilitatio ....
We are seeking a Supplier to conduct qualitative research to understand the lived experiences of Roma people in England and Wales, exploring culture, identity, needs and interactions with services. The Supplier will work with Civil Society Organisati ....
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training and Lived Experience Leaders
Buyer : Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Kent and Medway Integrated Care System ("K&M ICS") is seeking to appoint a suitably skilled, experienced, qualified and collaborative supplier to lead a project to:Part A: Develop the systems infrastructure and capacity to sustainably deliver The Oli ....
Lived Experience voice network
Buyer : North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Connected Spaces (NYCS) is a lived experience voice network that enables people to contribute to the design, development and delivery of services for people wit drug and alcohol difficulties across North Yorkshire. NYCS provide opport ....
Award notice for the supply of Disability inclusion: Lived experiences of UKRI disabled employees for UKRI- EPSRC ***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exerci ....
Suffolk County Council are currently out to tender for the provision of Suffolk Lived Experience Engagement Project (SLEEP) This opportunity is available in the `Current Tenders` area of portal. Interested parties are invited to express their interes ....
ESCC—MA Specialist support for a Lived Experience Recovery Organisation
Buyer : East Sussex County Council
This contract has now been awarded for 12 month contract.
Provision of Research into the Lived Experiences of Roma People
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
The Contracting Authority are seeking a Supplier to conduct qualitative research to understand the lived experiences of Roma people in England and Wales, exploring culture, identity, needs and interactions with services. The Supplier will work with C ....
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