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The provision of strategic project management and leadership within the Together ....
Buyer : Blackburn with Darwen
This service will provide additional MMR vaccinations using a targeted approach delivered in GP surgeries across the Rumworth and Central Wards of Bolton.
This DPS will provide a platform for Local Delivery Partners (LDP's) to support the delivery of our Gas Mains Replacement (MRP) and Non-Mains Replacement Programs (Non-MRP) as well as suppliers to compete for minor gas works.The main replacements wor ....
MMR Vaccination - Local Delivery Pilot
Buyer : Bolton Council
This service will provide additional MMR vaccinations using a targeted approach delivered in GP surgeries across the Rumworth and Central Wards of Bolton.
MMR Vaccination - Local Delivery Pilot
Buyer : Bolton Council
This service will provide additional MMR vaccinations using a targeted approach delivered in GP surgeries across the Rumworth and Central Wards of Bolton.
SE1080 Local Delivery Pilots (LDP) Impact Evaluation, Qualitative Comparative An ....
Buyer : Sport England
Local Delivery Pilot Evaluation Framework
Buyer : city of doncaster council
To increase the total contract value by £217,000 from £470,409.00 to £687,409.
396A-FWAG South West - Somerset Local Delivery
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
396A-FWAG South West - Somerset Local Delivery
378A Pilio - Local Delivery Buckinghamshire
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
378A Pilio - Local Delivery Buckinghamshire
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