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North East Derbyshire District Council is issuing this invitation to tender in connection with the competitive procurement of Sustainability Appraisal incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment, and Habitats Regulation Assessment of the North E ....
Conservation Area boundary review for Local Plan and Character Appraisal
Buyer : Liverpool City Council
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Guidance (PPG) requires local plans to be based upon a robust, up-to-date, and proportionate evidence base. This includes in respect of the city's heritage, and it is a statutory require ....
Programme Officer for Wolverhampton Local Plan Examination
Buyer : Wolverhampton City Council
Wolverhampton City Council wishes to commission a suitably qualified and experienced person to carry out the role of Programme Officer for the Examination in Public into the Wolverhampton Local Plan - in accordance with relevant legislation, the Nati ....
North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2024-2043) Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat R ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Council
Completion of North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2024-2043) Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulation Assessment
Graphics and Media support for the Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation
Buyer : East Hampshire District Council
Graphics and Media support for the Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council ("the Council") recognises the importance of viability being considered at the plan making stage, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the guidance on 'Viability and plan making' N ....
City Centre Masterplan and related evidence base to underpin the Local Plan revi ....
Buyer : Hull City Council
Hull City Council (The Authority) has appointed Planit I.E. Limited to provide services for Consultancy to Develop a City Centre Masterplan for Kingston upon Hull, via an open competitive tender procurement process (YORtender Ref. 83284).The contract ....
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council ("the Council") recognises the importance of viability being considered at the plan making stage, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the guidance on 'Viability and ....
Swindon Landscape Study for the Swindon Borough Council new local plan
Buyer : Swindon Borough Council
Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of a Landscape Study of the Swindon Borough Council Local Plan. Project description The primary aim of this commis ....
Provision of an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) for the Hillingdon Local Plan
Buyer : London Borough of Hillingdon
The London Borough of Hillingdon ('the Council') has commenced a review of the Local Plan. The Council is seeking to undertake an Integrated Impact Assessment ('IIA') for the Local Plan. The IIA will provide up-to-date technical evidence to inform po ....
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