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26357 - Plymouth Sound National Marine Park (PSNMP) - Nature Boost - Rays of the ....
Buyer : plymouth city council
Plymouth City Council ('The Council') would like to invite you to provide a tender for the live capture, and breeding of Thornback Rays for Plymouth Sound National Marine Park (PSNMP). The fish will need to be live caught in the Southwest, close to P ....
23889 - National Marine Park Activity Plan Consultant
Buyer : plymouth city council
to develop a five year Activity Plan to identify and map the programme of activities required to deliver our ambitious plan for the UK's first National Marine Park. This comprehensive plan will form part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) B ....
23888 - National Marine Park Evaluation Consultant
Buyer : plymouth city council
consultant to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework in support of a Delivery Phase application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund's (NLHF) Heritage Horizons Award. This will ensure that we are effectively and efficiently measuring our prog ....
21668 - PM & QS for all Capital Projects - Plymouth National Marine Park
Buyer : plymouth city council
A comprehensive Project Management and Quantity Surveying service up to the end of RIBA Stage 3 and subject to funding and performance up to RIBA Stage 6.r The Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor consultants will support PCC to manage the multidisc ....
21672 - National Marine Park (Business Support)
Buyer : plymouth city council
Business support consultancy for the National Marine Park Horizons Project
Building Refurbishment North Marine Park, John Reid Road, South Shields
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
Building Refurbishment North Marine Park, John Reid Road, South Shields
Restoration of North Marine Park, South Shields
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
Contract Description South Tyneside Council is seeking tenders for the Heritage Lottery Funded restoration and refurbishment project at North Marine Park, South Shields. The project will comprise of significant embankment regrading works, footpath an ....
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