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NCC1356 Occupational Health and Wellbeing Provision Soft Market Questionnaire
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
Northumberland County Council is a large local authority in geographical size in England with a mix of rural areas and conurbations. NCC has approx. 5000 directly employed employees and responsibility to approximately 4000 employees in schools althou ....
examination of people lifting equipment in the community Pre Market Questionnair ....
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council and Hampshire Equipment Services (HES) are currently seeking the views of the market for an upcoming tender for the provision of thorough examination of people lifting devices within the community.Please complete the Market E ....
KMCPRP-106 Window Cleaning Market Questionnaire
Buyer : kirklees council
Undertaking Window Cleaning Services under a Framework Agreement to several Council Buildings located within the Kirklees boundaries within the Kirklees District and other Council Owned Commercial Enterprises.
Pre-Market Questionnaire for the Servicing and Repair of Grounds Maintenance Equ ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
***This is not a tender exercise by the Education Authority.*** The Education Authority (EA) wishes to engage with the market to seek their views on establishing a robust, value for money contract for the Servicing and Repair of Grounds Maintenance E ....
LBS Adults Care at Home Soft Market Questionnaire
Buyer : London Borough of Southwark
Care at Home and Reablement services
ASC Independence at Home - Soft Market Questionnaire The Independence at Home Service is commissioned to deliver hands on, responsive, short-term, practical, compassionate, and personalised support to enable a person, wherever safely possible, to rem ....
Worcestershire County Council want people with learning disabilities to be able to tell us what they think about the services we provide in Worcestershire. In Worcestershire this is achieved through the following forums which are supported by our cur ....
IT1898F - Pre Market Questionnaire-Management Information Systems for all school ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
This questionnaire is for you if: Your company is a provider of systems capable of the supply, hosting, installation, migration, configuration, customisation, testing, commissioning, documentation, training and maintenance/support services of a new M ....
Housing, Education, Employment and Tenancy Sustainment Support Market Questionna ....
Buyer : the royal borough of windsor and maidenhead council
The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead plans on appointing a provider to assist the borough in providing housing, education, employment and tenancy sustainment support for a number of households / referrals per year. Given the nature of demand f ....
Soft Market Questionnaire - Inflation Indices
Buyer : Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
This soft market testing questionnaire has been developed by Network Rail (NR) in advance of procuring a solution for the provision of Training, both for “off the shelf” and “bespoke to NR” training courses.The purpose of this soft market tes ....
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