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Safeguarding Adults and Mental Capacity Act Training
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council has appointed a single provider for the provision of Adult Safeguarding Training and Mental Capacity Act (2005) Training.
BHCC - RFQ - Mental Capacity Act Training
Buyer : brighton & hove city council
Brighton & Hove City Council is seeking training providers to deliver the following open and bespoke courses to Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) employees and staff working for independent social care and partner organisations. Training courses wi ....
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DOL) Training - AWARD
Buyer : suffolk county council workforce development
Delivery of a suite of MCA and DOL training, to include the following four training topics with the availability to deliver the following quantities of training per annum: 1. Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) - up ....
Mental Capacity Act Training 2021 - 2024
Buyer : Somerset County Council
SCC is looking for a supplier who can provide joint training courses for Adults and Children’s Social Care staff over a three-year contract on the ‘Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Liberty Protection Safeguards’. The tender has therefore been set o ....
CP1903-20 — Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training Courses
Buyer : Devon County Council
The Care Act (2014) puts adult safeguarding on a legal footing and requires each local authority to set up a safeguarding adults board with core membership from the local authority, the police and the NHS (specifically local Clinical Commissioning Gr ....
CP1903-20 - Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training Courses
Buyer : Devon County Council
Lot 1a and b: Adults Safeguarding training (DCC) & (DSAP), Lot 1a: Adults safeguarding (DCC), - Level 2 - Responding to Safeguarding Concerns. This course will support staff to be competent in roles equivalent to those described within Level 2 of the ....
SCC SS IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Act) and Non Instructed Care Act Advoca ....
Buyer : Surrey County Council
This is a Notice for social and specific services in accordance with Directive 2014/24/EU Article 74. In 2005 the Parliament passed the Mental Capacity Act (MCA). Under this legislation, Surrey County Council has a statutory responsibility to commiss ....
Guidance Document Supports Key Principles of the Mental Capacity Act
The requirement is for the contractor to refresh an existing guidance document which supports embedding the MCA in their sector.
SS14 109-The Provision for Mental Health Assessors as Required by Kent Mental Ca ....
Buyer : Kent County Council
Title: SS14 109-The Provision for Mental Health Assessors as Required by Kent Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DOLS) Service.Summary:The Opportunity:This is a new service which will provide Mental Health Assessors for DOLS s ....
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Training for service providers
Buyer : Liverpool City Council
Liverpool City Council seeks quotations for the provision of training for service providers to be delivered in Liverpool commencing September 2015 until March 2016
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