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To be removed as notice has previously been published. NIESR: Corporate Membersh ....
Please ignore, this notice has already been published under
Waterproofing to removed sun tunnels
Buyer : the queen elizabeth hospital kings lynn nhs foundation trust
Waterproofing work to removed sun tunnels
3293 - MPFA for meadow mowing/ cutting, collected, removed, stored, & used as fo ....
Buyer : South Dublin County Council
Multi-Party Framework for meadow mowing/ cutting, collected, removed, stored, and used as fodder for 1 year with the option of proceeding with three 12-month extensions (max 4 years). SDCC have the option of proceeding with additional works/services ....
Single Supplier Negotiation - Demountable to moved to Bloemfontein Primary
Buyer : Durham County Council
Phase 2 is programmed for 8 weeks and the Demountable needs to be on the new site, fully installed and re-commissioned by the 1st September 2017. The Demountable is owned by the Council and was supplied by Wernick.
* Moved to new Historic England Intend Portal*
Buyer : historic england
Suppliers interested in this opportunity should register at in order to express interest and download documentation.
A Regional Service for Women (and their partners) who have one or more child rem ....
Buyer : Cardiff Council
Cardiff Council in partnership with Vale of Glamorgan Council wish to commission a service to deliver a regional project for parents who had had one or more children permanently removed for safeguarding reasons.The overarching aim of the service is t ....
Provision of an Independent Complaints Adjudication Service for OFSTED (Please n ....
The Department for Education require a supplier to provide an independent adjudication service in relation to Ofsted's handling of complaints including: handling individual complaints, the provision of advice, regular reporting regarding the volume a ....
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