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Newport & Carisbrooke Grounds Maintenance Contract
Buyer : Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council
This contract covers some recreation grounds in Newport & Carisbrooke on the Isle of Wight. It includes grass cutting, line marking, hedge cutting, tree work and other tasks if required.
Painting Programme 2025 - 2027 - Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association
Buyer : Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association
To carry out all external painting and decoration work as detailed in the Specification and schedule of works and rates provided, to various DAMHA properties as listed in tender details. To include the removal and replacement of fixtures as deemed ne ....
Provision of Care and Support at Newton House Extra Care Housing Scheme in Penri ....
Buyer : Westmorland and Furness Council
In Westmorland and Furness the term 'extra care' housing is used to describe housing developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services to enable people to self-care and continue to live independently.
Buyer : Mid Devon District Council
Mid Devon District Council are seeking a contractor to provide 2 x 2 bed new build properties on council owned land, next to 1 Honiton Road, Cullompton.
Homes England is seeking a ground investigation contractor to provide sufficient ground related works to enable Homes England's and prospective developers to understand the ground conditions and any associated risks. The site is located on the former ....
Cleaning Services at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School
Buyer : Warrington Borough Council
The Governors of Cardinal Newman Catholic High School seek a suitably experienced cleaning company to provide a professional cleaning service at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, Bridgewater Avenue, Latchford, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 1RX. The S ....
SNG wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for Contractors capable of delivering works for its new developments and major refurbishment schemes under JCT D and B contracts (and, for Lots 4,8 and 12) JCT Construction Management Contract and in acco ....
Notice for the selection of artists on new artwork as part of percentage of art requirement.
The Authority seeks to establish a multi-supplier Framework to provide New Build Construction Works and associated services for its Members, Registered Social Landlords, Local Authorities and other Public Sector Contracting Bodies. The tender is spli ....
The objective of this procurement is for Northern Trains Limited (NTL) to enter into financing arrangements with one or more financiers in relation to new rolling stock and associated equipment (including simulators, spares and tooling) which is bein ....
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