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MET POLICE__COUPA EVENT #268 Supply & Delivery of new RHIBS via ITT Open Procedu ....
Buyer : metropolitan police service
On behalf of the contracting authority, Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is seeking through this tender opportunity to invite potential Suppliers to directly manufacture, supply and deliver up to thr ....
MET POLICE__COUPA EVENT #268 Supply & Delivery of new RHIBS via ITT Open Procedu ....
Buyer : Metropolitan Police Service
Supply and delivery of new RHIBS for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS).Award includes the purchase of three new RHIBS with an optional purchase of a fourth RHIB if required at any time through the contract duration.Contract term - 36 months with ....
MET POLICE__COUPA EVENT #268 Supply & Delivery of new RHIBS via ITT Open Procedu ....
Buyer : Metropolitan Police Service
On behalf of the contracting authority, Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is seeking through this tender opportunity to invite potential Suppliers to directly manufacture, supply and deliver up to thr ....
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