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TfL 95743 Contact Centre Outsourced Services FWC
Buyer : Transport for London
This notice is published to commence a procurement event to award a new contract for its Business to Business (B2B) outsourced services. This package of work is part of NS&I's Rainbow Programme, and it will procure a strategic supplier of managed ser ....
Con_20066 Programme A: Lot 3 Contract 2: Technical: Fully Outsourced Services
Buyer : department for education
The successful supplier/consortium will deliver outcomes for the Teacher Services Division specifically in relation to the Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) Profession Capability Framework Job Family for Lot 3 Technical (including Software Developme ....
LUPC (London Universities Purchasing Consortium), is working with APUC, HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC and CPC and their respective Member Institutions to establish a National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Catering Outsourced Services including ....
BUILD/1417/2022 - Request for Tender for Consultancy Service (NON-CONSTRUCTION) ....
Buyer : University of Galway
The University wishes to procure an outsourced IFM contractor for the locations listed below and is seeking the assistance of suitably qualified consultants to perform a scope of services to put in place a suitable FM contractor company under appropr ....
Provision of Elective Pain and Orthopaedic outsourced service
Buyer : chelsea & westminster hospital nhs foundation trusts
Provision of Elective Pain and Orthopaedic outsourced service
TPH Outsourced Services - Lot 2 Vehicle Inspection Services
Buyer : transport for london
The services will include taking online and telephony bookings through a contact centre established and operated by the supplier and carrying out service and physical taxi and PHV inspections at a specified number of London based inspection sites. It ....
TPH Outsourced Services - Lot 1 Service System
Buyer : transport for london
TfL has procured the services of a technology supplier to provide and maintain enabling technology in support of vehicle, driver and operator licensing and inspection services. The system created in respect of TfL needs shall be used by TfL and other ....
Maritime and Outsourced Services Engineering Delivery Service (MOSEDS)
Filter 3: Maritime Engineering Maritime and Outsourced Services Engineering Delivery Service
Provision of Teleradiology Plain Film Reporting Outsourced Service
The Provider shall deliver an efficient and responsive Teleradiology Plain Film Reporting Service that includes all ancillary services and which utilises innovative mechanisms to exceed these requirements in terms of performance, utilisation and effi ....
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