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Buyer : Wolverhampton City Council
Direct Payments are cash payments made to individuals who have been assessed as being eligible for funded care and support in line with the Care Act 2014 eligibility criteria; they are intended to give individuals greater choice in their care as they ....
FW Services - Load Managed Area (LMA) Payment Service, Multi Site
Buyer : Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution
Load Managed Areas (or LMAs) are DCUSA provision that allows electricity loads that can be switched on remotely to be controlled so that they do not all switch on at the same time. We are looking at transforming LMAs into a Demand Diversification Ser ....
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust - Payroll and HR Admin Services
Buyer : The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of Payroll and HR Administration Services.The contract is being offered for three years with the option to extend for a further two periods of 12 months. The contract ....
Buyer : British Council
Payroll Services for the British Council in Azerbaijan, Baku
NHS London Procurement Partnership (hosted by Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) intends to establish a multiple supplier framework for the provision of Payroll Services Framework.
Derbyshire County Council is seeking a provider to deliver a physical Cash Counter Payment Service for Derbyshire residents (excluding Derby City Residents) to cash a voucher, in person, on presentation at the provider's premises across the county of ....
Payment Provider for GOV.UK Pay
Buyer : Government Digital Service
Government Digital Service (GDS), currently part of Cabinet Office is seeking a payment service provider to underpin the GOV.UK Pay platform, specifically for processing credit and debit card payments and pay by bank (open banking) payments made by e ....
Star Academies is looking to run an FTS (EU) compliant tender under PCR2015 with the intention of creating a contract with a single supplier for the trust. This will be a restricted process, and a process timetable can be found further below in this ....
Provision of a new Pay As You Go (PAYG) Gas Meter and associated Meter Managemen ....
Buyer : Phoenix Energy Group Ltd
Phoenix Energy Group Ltd, in conjunction with others, is soon to award a Contract for the provision of a new Pay As You Go (PAYG) Gas Meter and associated Meter Management System (MMS) - the introduction of which will involve a number of Gas Network ....
Direct Payment Monitoring Tool
Essex County Council (ECC) are seeking a software solution that utilises the open banking technology to make monitoring of Direct Payments within dedicated bank accounts easier for the Direct Payment Recipient and ECC. ECC currently make Direct payme ....
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