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Origin Housing Framework Agreement for External Planned Refurbishment Works and ....
Buyer : Origin Housing Ltd
Origin Housing is a registered social landlord, providing affordable housing in their communities and related care and support services to the people who live in them. They manage over 6 500 homes across London and Hertfordshire offering a wide range ....
A2Dominion Homes Limited, A2Dominion South Limited, A2Dominion Housing Options Limited and A2Dominion Developments Limited (The Contracting Authorities) are a group of registered providers who manage over 35,000 homes across London, central and south ....
Framework Agreements for Planned Refurbishment Works.
Buyer : A2Dominion Housing Group Limited
A2Dominion Homes Limited, A2Dominion South Limited, A2Dominion Housing Options Limited and A2Dominion Developments Limited (The Contracting Authorities) are a group of registered providers who manage over 35 000 homes across London, central and south ....
Provision of planned refurbishment works.
Buyer : Knightstone Housing Association Limited
Knightstone Housing Association is tendering for the provision of the planned refurbishment works for five years commencing 1.6.2014.The resulting contracts may be extended for a further five years depending on performance.There are 2 workstreams and ....
Origin Housing is a registered social landlord, providing affordable housing in their communities and related care and support services to the people who live in them. They manage over 6,500 homes across London and Hertfordshire offering a wide range ....
Origin Housing Framework Agreement for External Planned Refurbishment Works and ....
Buyer : Origin Housing Ltd
Origin Housing is a registered social landlord, providing affordable housing in their communities and related care and support services to the people who live in them. They manage over 6,500 homes across London and Hertfordshire offering a wide range ....
Framework Agreements for Planned Refurbishment Works.
Buyer : A2Dominion Housing Group Limited
A2Dominion Homes Limited, A2Dominion South Limited, A2Dominion Housing Options Limited and A2Dominion Developments Limited (The Contracting Authorities) are a group of registered providers who manage over 35,000 homes across London, central and south ....
A2Dominion Homes Limited, A2Dominion South Limited, A2Dominion Housing Options Limited and A2Dominion Developments Limited (The Contracting Authorities) are a group of registered providers who manage over 35,000 homes across London, central and south ....
TEN/065 - Planned Refurbishment Works 14/15.
Buyer : Clanmil Housing Association
Clanmil Housing Association is looking to appoint contractors to deliver a Planned Programme of works for the 14/15 financial year.All works to be completed by 31.3.2015.Works packages will be split into 8 Geographical / Property Type lots – detail ....
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