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In Surrey we want to improve the expertise and confidence of frontline practitio ....
Buyer : surrey county council
In Surrey we want to improve the expertise and confidence of frontline practitioners to ensure that they are able to identify survivors of domestic abuse and their children, and support them to stay safe. This commissioned service would focus on prov ....
The award of a contract for the supply and installation of Solar panelling for S ....
Buyer : South Yorkshire Police Headquarters
This notice applies to the award of a contract. The procedure has concluded.
Vehicle Bodywork Repair Service for Essex Police.
Buyer : Essex County Fire and Rescue Service
Essex Police require a service to provide collection and repair of vehicles, and delivery to Essex police workshops based at Boreham, Harlow and Laindon for marked, unmarked and/or third party damaged vehicles requiring bodywork repair.A maximum of 3 ....
The Recovery of Stray Horses to Essex Police and Kent Police.
Buyer : Kent Police and Crime Commissioner
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex each sought to contract with an experienced horse recovery expert to assist Kent Police and Essex Police respectively in carrying out their statutory duties in ....
Police.UK support and Maitenance
12 months support and maintenance of the Police.UK website
Purchase of Riegl VZ400I 3D Lazor Scanner for Cambridgeshire Police.
Buyer : The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire
Purchase of Riegl VZ400I 3D Lazor Scanner for Cambridgeshire Police Traffic Department.
Supply of Catering Services to the Metropolitan Police.
Supply of Catering Services to the Metropolitan Police.
Deliver and support Police.UK web service
Extension of STORM Command and Control System for use in Surrey Police.
Buyer : The Police & Crime Commissioner for Sussex
Provision of Software, various interfaces to existing systems and on-going support to allow for the extension of the Sussex Police STORM system for use by Surrey Police.
Telephone Interpreting Services for Cambridgeshire Police.
Buyer : The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire
Extensive work is currently underway to procure interpreting services on a regional basis. The purpose of this agreement is to secure interim interpreter solutions, to maintain operational business whilst allowing the future procurement to be develop ....
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