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Invitation to Quote for the installation RNR marker posts and information plaque ....
Norfolk County Council (NCC) is seeking suppliers to install 363 Roadside Nature Reserve (RNR) marker posts and attach an identification plaque to each post at highway verge locations across Norfolk.
The Council is seeking the markets views on the service specification and contract structure for the appointment of an appropriately trained online pharmacy or an online GP service, for the consultation, initial and follow up assessments and supply o ....
Provision of a high intensity intervention and signposting service which prevents people identified as frequent attenders from attending acute hospital through provision of proactive and targeted social interventions in the community
Norfolk Coroner post mortem CT Scanning service
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Following previous engagement on a CT scanning solution for post mortems for the Norfolk Coroner, we are developing the service specification and would like to engage once more with the market to invite interested bidders to a meeting to hear more ab ....
The Football Foundation is establishing a preferred supplier list of goalpost providers for use by third parties. Grants will be provided to third parties to purchase goalposts, and all funded goalposts must be procured exclusively from the preferred ....
UKRI-4132 PIP II Cryomodule vacuum vessel, strongback and G11 posts
Buyer : UK Research and Innovation
UKRI, STFC require the and fabrication, assembly and delivery of the Cryomodule vacuum vessels, strongbacks and G11 posts as stated in the tender documentation. The supplier shall provide all the requirements detailed in the specification documents t ....
UKRI, STFC require the and fabrication, assembly and delivery of the Cryomodule vacuum vessels, strongbacks and G11 posts as stated in the tender documentation. The supplier shall provide all the requirements detailed in the specification documents t ....
The notice published is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) and is used to assist in engaging the market to inform of the upcoming tender opportunity. A similar opportunity was recently published and later set as invalid due to an update in requirements ....
Extraction and analysis of materials post deuterium-tritium operation in JET (1)
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
The purpose of this PIN / RFI is to enable the UKAEA to assess industry and wider partner interest in sponsoring/collaborating in the extraction and analysis of JET materials exposed to deuterium-tritium plasma with a view to providing equitable acce ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Government wishes to commission a piece of scoping research in preparation for the ex post evaluation of the European Union (EU) Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 in Wales which will take place in 2024. The o ....
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