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DFID 40082831 Support to the Design of a New Bangladesh Urban Poverty Reduction ....
Actual CPV code is '75211200 Foreign Economic-Aid-Related Services'. Aim and Objectives The aim of the consultancy contracted under this ToR is to assist DFIDB to design the new urban programme (total approximate cost £60m most likely over about 6 y ....
DFID 7195 Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA Commercialisation, Womenâ ....
Actual CPV code is ‘75211200 Foreign Economic-Aid Related Services’. In order to maximise the benefits of economic development for poor women and men more research is needed to identify the opportunities and challenges that different pathways of ....
Early Market Engagement (EME) - Zambia Poverty Reduction Programme (ZPRP)
Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) would like to invite interested parties to attend a Market Engagement (EME) Event concerning the provision of services to deliver Poverty Reduction Programme in Zambia (ZPRP).ZPRP aims reduce l ....
The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) would like to invite interested parties to attend a Early Market Engagement (EME) Event concerning the provision of services to deliver Poverty Reduction Programme in Zambia (ZPRP). ZPRP aims r ....
Skills for growth and poverty reduction in the Eastern Caribbean.
Buyer : Procurement
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