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PAN3060 - Melton Rd Cycle Track Refurbishment - Preliminary Works
Buyer : leicester city council
This is the second phase of works to refurbish the cycle tracks on Melton Road. The work covers the reconstruction of a heavy-duty vehicle access to a building supplier yard, the provision of new dropped crossings to facilitate cycle access to/from t ....
PAN3030 - Melton Road Cycle Track Refurbishment - Preliminary Works
Buyer : leicester city council
This is the first phase of works to refurbish the 1930's cycle tracks on Melton Road. The work covers the reconstruction of a heavy-duty vehicle access to a building supplier's yard, the provision of new dropped crossings to facilitate cycle access t ....
PLACE421 Portfolio Management & Preliminary Work on Signal Sites
Buyer : derbyshire county council
Management of schemes - Portfolio Management of traffic schemes and preliminary work on signal sites.
Penketh and Whittle FRMS - Preliminary Works Contract
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Penketh and Whittle FRMS - Preliminary Works ECC Contract
Preliminary Work in Preparation for the US/UK Secure Receiver PA Interim Demonst ....
Preliminary Work in Preparation for the US/UK Secure Receiver PA Interim Demonstration
Repository Development Programme Preliminary Works Contract
Buyer : LLW Repository Ltd
Civil works including provision of temporary drainage, ponds, haul roads, stockpile preparations, compound preparations, welfare facilities and miscellaneous other works.
PAN3060 - Melton Rd Cycle Track Refurbishment - Preliminary Works
Buyer : leicester city council
This is the second phase of works to refurbish the cycle tracks on Melton Road. The work covers the reconstruction of a heavy-duty vehicle access to a building supplier yard, the provision of new dropped crossings to facilitate cycle access to/from t ....
Repository Development Programme Preliminary Works Contract
Buyer : LLW Repository Ltd
Civil works including provision of temporary drainage, ponds, haul roads, stockpile preparations, compound preparations, welfare facilities and miscellaneous other works.
Repository Development Programme Preliminary Works Contract Procurement.
Buyer : CTM Portal for the NDA Shared Services Alliance
Provision of civil works including but not limited to provision of haul roads, temporary drainage, water collection facilities, stockpile preparations, compound preparations and other miscellaneous works.
MARCHES MOSSES BogLIFE Project (LIFE 15 NAT UK 000786) Action C4 01 Preliminary ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Marches Mosses BogLIFE Project (LIFE 15/NAT/UK/000786) - Action C4 01 Preliminary works prior to adding and adjusting dams.Clearance of Scrub & trees on Sections: 1.1-1.18, 3.1-3.17, 8.1-8.10, 9.1-9.3 & 10.3 of Fenn's Moss, near Whitchurch, Shropshir ....
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