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The key objective of the LNER Train and Station Cleaning Services contract is to identify a partner who is able to deliver and continue to improve on the high standards, utilising efficiency, flexibility and innovation in line with the needs of our c ....
VisitScotland is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified vendor for the provision of Social Media Representation in China.
Provision of support for young people with persistent, problematic and perplexin ....
Buyer : Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust is seeking bids from organisations experienced in youth work to partner in delivering an innovative model of support for young people with persistent, problematic and perplexing presentations (PPPs), for the duration of ....
Metal Presentation Seats and Plaques
Buyer : The City of Edinburgh Council
Provision of Metal Presentation Seats and Plaques
Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for External Presentation and Grounds Maintenance Services. The services will be split into 3 Categories, as follows ....
The NHS Resolution (the "Authority") would like to invite suitably qualified suppliers to attend a Market Engagement event related to the planned procurement for the provision of special legal services. The procurement will seek to appoint suppliers ....
The purpose of this PIN is to advise of the Market Engagement Presentation and it is not being used as a call for competition. This PIN is intended to:1. Inform the market of the upcoming procurement process for the Generation 2, Wave 2 T Levels, bei ....
Internal Audit Presentation - Removing the Myths of Contracting with the Police
Buyer : Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales
We are looking for an internal audit process for the 4 Welsh forces.A presentation on behalf of the Welsh forces to provide an overview of our requirements and the tender procedure will take place on Tuesday 16th January 2024 between 13:30 - 14:30.Th ....
Provision of Offshore Geophysical and Geotechnical Survey Client Representation ....
Buyer : Xlinks
70125 Legal Advice and Representation to CCMS
Buyer : Education Authority
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