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Block Booking for Winter Pressures
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
Cardiff and Vale UHB, in partnership with Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Social Services departments, wishes to commission eight nursing home beds in one residential unit from 1st November 2015-31st March 2016 although if the model and joint worki ....
The aim of this project is to determine the area and distribution of the agricultural landbank of England and Wales that is suitable for spreading nutrient-rich organic materials, at both a national and local (10km grid square) scale. This will be ac ....
Hospital Discharge Beds / Flats (Winter Pressures) 23-25
Buyer : london borough of hackney
Provision of a shared house with 9 bedrooms, for working age adults who are unable to be discharged because of a housing need, or those who are homeless and need emergency accommodation to avoid a hospital admission within 72 hours.
3.1This project aims to support the OEP in developing an independent view on the trajectory to achieving Good Environmental Status (GES) for UK marine waters. It will support us to gather and analyse the views of the stakeholder community on the driv ....
How schools respond to financial pressures (con_20836)
Buyer : department for education
Mixed method primary research with LA maintained schools (LAMS), Single Academy Trusts (SATs), schools within Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) (usually referred to as academies) and MATs to understand how they are responding to financial pressures.
A rapid review of the impacts of aquatic pressures on biodiversity
Buyer : defra
Requirement to understand the available qualitative and quantitative evidence and therefore gaps for how anthropogenic aquatic pressures impact abundances of species that occur in rivers, lakes, ponds, estuarine and coastal waters and how pressures m ....
Cardiff Council AS o Winter Pressures – Improving Winter Health and Well -Bein ....
Buyer : Cardiff Council
Cardiff Council in partnership with the Cardiff and the Vale Health Board(C&VUHB) is seeking to commission a Residential Care Home Provider to deliver a reablement unit. The reablement unit will support hospital patients who are assessed as being med ....
Winter Pressures Support for the Homeless
Buyer : nhs england
The Authority is looking for a Supplier for the provision of a referrals service for homelessness clients who need support to access and engage with healthcare and help to register with a GP to longer term support accessing. To produce and distribute ....
Short stay CCG beds for winter pressures
Buyer : cheshire east council
Beds are needed to support hospital discharges and also prevent admission of patients to Cheshire hospitals.
Additional block homecare provision for winter pressures
Buyer : Cambridgeshire County Council
A 12 month contract, with a six month break clause, to a current provider to allow for additional provision of homecare to support an expected increase in the number of people who will need this service this winter. Working and funded in partnership ....
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