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707250450 PEDT/0039 Submarine Mechanical and Secondary Steam Propulsion Equipmen ....
Buyer : Unknown
This competitive procurement seeks to award a Contract for the supply of spares and repairs in support of Submarine Mechanical and Secondary Steam Propulsion Equipment.
Avionics System Trainer (AST) & Aircraft Propulsion Systems Trainer (APST) Maint ....
Buyer : Unknown
Aviation ground support software package. Computer support services. Technical computer support services. The requirement is for a 5 year maintenance and support Contract and is expected to commence on 01 April 2019, which will provide support to bot ....
Spares Inclusive Upkeep: In-Service Support of Submarine Propulsion Systems and ....
Buyer : Unknown
Parts for warships. Engineering support services. Technical support services. Parts for warships. Engineering Support Services. Technical Support Services. Submarine Propulsion Systems and Ship/Submarine Coolers are utilised in a variety of forms on ....
Spares, repairs and associated services for Electric Propulsion Systems.
Buyer : Unknown
Electric motors, generators and transformers. Parts for electrical motors and generators. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment. Parts for warships. Electronic and electrical spare parts ....
Support of Large Vessel Main Propulsion Gearboxes and Associated Equipment.
Buyer : Unknown
Gearboxes. Provision of Supply, Repair, Post Design and Technical Support Services for Large Vessel Main Propulsion Gearboxes.
Provision of a Typhoon Propulsion Support Facility (TPSF) at RAF Lossiemouth.
Building construction work. The provision of a compliant, fully functional 'new build' Typhoon Propulsion Support Facility (TPSF) to support the operational capability outputs of the Typhoon Force at RAF Lossiemouth. The Contract Strategy is DEFCON 2 ....
Propulsion Drives Spares & Power Limitation
Buyer : The Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond
Propulsion drive spares and power limitation project on THV PATRICIA
Maintenance of Engines, Propulsion Systems and Associated Equipment for Marine V ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
1.1The Scottish Ministers wish to set up a service contract which will providemaintenance for engines, propulsion system and associated equipment for four of these vessels including the supply of all spare parts required for scheduled maintenance.
Large Scale Rocket Propulsion Test Facility Study
Buyer : uk space agency
1) To explore the possibility of testing rocket engines >30kN here in the UK in potentially disused MOD sites which have the required qualifications and safety assurances. 2) To explore the market potential for such a range of rocket testing, includi ....
PNDC Propulsion & Power Train Accelerator
Buyer : University of Strathclyde
Contract scope includes; supply, delivery, commissioning and ongoing support and warranty of the above equipment. Tenderers should note that the proposed site is yet to be confirmed, however it is highly probable that it will be a new site, meaning t ....
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