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The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester (referred to as "The PCC") is issuing an invitation to tender for the Provision of PAT Testing & ECIR.
UK Research and Innovation has a requirement for the provision of patent and trademark service. The site addresses for delivery of the services is: a.Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX b.Daresbury Laboratory (DL), ....
Provision of Parachute Equipment
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
The delivery of main student and advanced parachute canopies to Joint Service Parachute Centre Weston (JSPCW). Please see the procurement documentation for more information. To register for this opportunity and view the procurement documentation plea ....
Provision of Paper for Graduation Certificates & Transcripts
Buyer : University of Exeter
The University of Exeter is looking to procure consistent, secure Certificate and Transcript paper that incorporates relevant and up to date security features to reduce fraud as well as upholding the accuracy of the award and data provided by the Uni ....
Provision of Passenger and Goods Lifts maintenance services
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust is contracting for the provision of Passenger and Goods Lifts maintenance services across the Trust's multiple sites in four Lots. The contract is intended to remain in place for three years.
NHS London Procurement Partnership (hosted by Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) intends to establish a multiple supplier framework for the provision of Payroll Services Framework.
Provision of packages of non-clinical interventions for service users who will be identified through proactive case identification.
The Council is offering an exciting opportunity for suitably qualified and experienced transport operators to participate in a DPS for the Provision of Passenger Transport Services across the County of Powys. The purpose of the Dynamic Purchasing Sys ....
Leicestershire County Council ("the Council") is undertaking this procurement for the provision of Pantomime Performances at the Century Theatre across the Country, as described in Document 2: The Specification and in accordance with the ap ....
Provision of palliative night sit services
Buyer : Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of palliative care 'night sits' for patients within the Bolton Community
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