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Buyer : The Oil and Gas Authority
The Oil and Gas Authority (‘OGA’) wishes to commission a project to potentially purchase various databases and relevant E&P information under this OGA Data Purchase ITT.
Buyer : Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire County Council is seeking to establish a contract for the purchase of vehicles in 15 lots. The duration of this contract will be 2 years with a possible extension period for a further 2 years (2 x 1 year extension). The total estimated num ....
Sluice Room Equipment: Planned Preventative Maintenance, Repair and Purchase.
Buyer : Sanctuary Housing Group
Sluice Room Equipment: planned preventative maintenance (PPM) and repair of existing equipment and the purchase of new equipment.
Mobile Harbour Crane purchase.
Buyer : Portsmouth City Council
Portsmouth City Council has awarded a contract to purchase a Mobile Harbour Crane for use at Portsmouth International Port.
London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) intend to enter a contract for the procurement of mobile phones that have been produced with the aim to minimise social and environmental impact by using conflict free minerals, as well as Fairtrade go ....
License management software package. The purchase of software licences to support the FESS 4 program.
License management software package. The purchase of software licences to support the FESS 4 program.
YPO — 000652 Specialist Vehicles — Purchase.
Buyer : YPO
YPO has tendered for a new Specialist Vehicle Framework to include the supply of specialist vehicles, typically for municipal use (e.g. refuse collection, waste management, road sweepers, gully emptiers, mobile libraries, welfare vehicles, Fire and R ....
GB-Salford — Points Of Interest data purchase.
Buyer : HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
Database services. Database services. Data Services. HMRC requires the provision of Points of Reference datasets and associated iconography to support compliance activity. It is essentially a list of ‘points of interest’ grouped into a comprehens ....
CR2013/1223* Bereavement Care- 3.5 (5 x tippers and 2 x fixed bodied) outright p ....
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Specialist vehicles. Tenderers are required to provide 7 number of, ( 5,( number) tipping and 2,( number) fixed bodied) 3.5t GVW Long Wheel Base Crew Cab vehicles suitable to work in a demanding time critical environment. The vehicles shall be suppli ....
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