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SC240040 - Maintenance of Kent County Council Oracle E-Business Suite Applicatio ....
Buyer : kent county council
Ongoing support for Oracle E-Business r Suite, Database and Technology r Applications
FA D&A - Data Analysts for AIMS related data projects
Buyer : national audit office
The use of data and analytics (D&A) is now a core part of the way the National Audit Office (NAO) do their financial audits. Specifically, the use of the journals data analytic tools is now mandated in how financial audit teams ("FA Teams") should do ....
PHE Communications Contact Centre, related database and fulfilment
Buyer : Public Health England
PHE has awarded a contract for the provision of Communications Contact Centre, related database and fulfilment services
Development of a mobile phone application to collect and record water quality-re ....
Buyer : Oriel River Catchments & Coastal Association
The Oriel River Catchments and Coastal Association (ORCCA) was formed in February 2020 with the vision that the habitats of the rivers which flow into Dundalk Bay, as well as the region’s coastal environments, are healthy and biodiverse and are res ....
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