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Expression of Interest for Improving Probable Maximum Precipitation and Probable ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
This commission will support our work on reservoir safety to update methods for estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). The project is being managed and funded by the Joint Environment Agency/Defra Flood and ....
Buyer : Somerset Council
Chard Reservoir is a Large Raised Reservoir within the ambit of the Reservoirs Act 1975. The reservoir is classified as a Flood Category A dam defined in Floods and Reservoir Safety (2015) published by the Institution of Civil Engineers, where a brea ....
Developing a new hazard classification for Reservoir Safety in England
ESPH GP Buckshole Reservoir Safety Works (ESPH361) - AWARD
Buyer : hastings borough council
Hastings Borough Council sought a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to carry out safety works for Buckshole reservoir. Buckshole Reservoir is located on the northern side of Alexandra Park in the heart of Hastings, East Sussex. The reserv ....
Risk Assessments for Reservoir Safety
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
undertake inspection of high risk EA owned reservoirs
Llyn Tegid Reservoir Safety Scheme Landscaping
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
This 5 year Soft Landscape and Maintenance contract relates to a separate contract to strengthen Llyn Tegid reservoir embankments. The majority of the planting work will be carried out in the 22/23 Planting Season but some important works will be nee ....
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