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Wheeled Bin/Waste Container Delivery, Repair, Exchange and Return Service
Buyer : North Ayrshire Council
NAC are exploring the possibility of appointing a supplier to help support the council’s various waste collection services by delivering a lid replacement programme, and delivering exchanging, and removing new and replacement containers at properti ....
Wheeled Bin/Waste Container Delivery, Repair, Exchange and Return Service
Buyer : North Ayrshire Council
North Ayrshire Council are looking to engage with the market about this potential future contract opportunity.The purpose of this PIN is to engage with service providers for early market testing. At this time there is no guarantee that NAC will be te ....
Collection, Repair and Return Service of IT Equipment
CEFAS21-120 Kuwait Tax Return Services
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
The contractor has been appointed to advise, prepare, submit and deal with queries for the annual Kuwait tax return based on information supplied by the Authority. The Authority currently has one contract with a Kuwait organisation, and this service ....
Provision of External Audit, Accounting Services and Tax Consultancy and Return ....
Buyer : Scotland Excel
City Property requires the provision of an external audit and associated services contract for all five City Property legal entities – 4 limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and one limited company. Tenders are to be invited for the provision of e ....
HSE 15773 - Printing, Collating, Enveloping, Posting and Return Services
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
The National Screening Service is seeking tender responses from suitably qualified and suitably accredited mail Service Provider that will manage the Printing, Collating, Enveloping, Posting and Return of Programme letters within the Republic of Irel ....
Glen Oaks HA: Pull-out and Return Service and Bulk Refuse Removal
Buyer : Glen Oaks Housing Association
Refer to specification and bill of quantities. Glen Oaks seeks tenders from interested parties to provide the following: 1) regular pull-through of communal bins from tenement backcourts to kerbside to meet Council refuse collection and then return o ....
Glen Oaks HA: Pull-out and Return Service and Bulk Refuse Removal
Buyer : Glen Oaks Housing Association
Refer to specification and bill of quantities.Glen Oaks seeks tenders from interested parties to provide the following:1) regular pull-through of communal bins from tenement backcourts to kerbside to meet Council refuse collection and then return of ....
Glen Oaks HA: Pull-out and Return Service & Bulk Refuse Removal
Buyer : Glen Oaks Housing Association
Refer to procurement documents
Paper Questionnaire Return Service
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
The Office for National Statistics (the "Authority") is seeking to engage with interested supplier organisations in order to identify possible options for the procurement of a Paper Questionnaire Return Service that will help deliver the 2019 Rehears ....
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