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IT Service Management (ITSM) Tooling and SMI3 Riverbed Software Licences, Suppor ....
The scope of this requirement extends to the annual renewal of support, maintenance, and renewal of existing licences only, co-terming the renewal expiry to the 1st September 2025. The scope of the requirement does not extend to new hardware or softw ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Procurement of Riverbed ARX network performance monitoring products
ITSM Tooling Riverbed Sept 22 Support Renewal and Trade-Up HW & SW with Support
Buyer : ministry of defence
Ministry of Defence (MOD) requires the annual twelve (12) month renewal of IT Service Management (ITSM) Tooling, formally known as Service Management Integrated Technical Solutions (SMITS), Riverbed software licences, support and maintenance renewal ....
Pembroke Road Depot - Riverbed Restoration
Buyer : buckinghamshire council
Riverbed Restoration at Stocklake Brook
PROC-20-0828 - Riverbed SteelHead Support Renewal
Buyer : Scottish Police Authority
The Scottish Police Authority had a required for the renewal of the Riverbed Steelhead support. A Mini Competition was carried out under the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Framework RM3808, Lot 1, Data Access Services
Supply of Riverbed Hardware to MoD
CCIH16A19 Provision of Riverbed Hardware & Software RCA113319
There is a requirement to procure an ARX Box to provide performance monitoring capability for a new Joint Cyber Unit capability.
Provision of maintenance and support services of the Riverbed hardware.
Buyer : Scottish Government
Scottish Government's Data Centre and Network Services (DCNS) Team requires a supplier to provide the maintenance and support services in relation to the Riverbed Steelhead WAN Acceleration devices for the Scottish Government and associated bodies.DC ....
7888 - QS for Bridge & Riverbed Inspection Services
Buyer : Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Iarnród Éireann has over 450 bridges (structures greater than 2m) over water. All these bridges and riverbeds require periodic inspections. Some inspections are carried out yearly, other are every 3 years and more are on a 6 yearly cycle.Iarnród à ....
Buyer : shrewsbury town council
Tenders are invited for fence construction, boardwalk and other landscaping per tender
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