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T0547 Roadside Technology RIS3 Programme Development
Buyer : National Highways
The key objective of this service is to produce an indicative 5 year programme of Roadside Technology renewal schemes for the RIS3 period. This will provide a consistent approach across all regions. This will deliver a prioritised approach to develop ....
T0316 Roadside Technology Renewals - Needs prioritisation process
Buyer : highways england
The Asset Management Transformation Programme (AMTP) is one of the five Strategic Change Programmes in National Highways. It aims to bring together all parts of the business to improve our asset management capability and ensure delivery of an effecti ....
Roadside Technology Product Acceptance Discover, Develop and Operate
design and develop our capability to successfully assure new and current roadside technology products, ensuring they are fit for purpose, fit for use across our strategic road network
CPSP 145 Area 9 M&R, RIS3 Renewals & Roadside Technology - Schedule C
Buyer : Highways England
Area 9 M&R -Support rate audit of M&R rate database -Review and revise M&R Model following receipt of Area 9 M&R tender submission -Produce data requirements for Area 9 team -Work with Area 9 teams to obtain required network and cost information oInc ....
Highways England Area 12 M&R - Roadside Technology
We have recently secured the Highways England Area 12 contract and would be pleased to receive your quotation for carrying out the Roadside Technology works for this contract, all in accordance with the attached documentation. We are looking for tend ....
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