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Provision of Contract Agreement for a Scanning Probe Microscope
Buyer : University of Glasgow
PURCH2523 Provision of Contract Agreement for a Scanning Probe Microscope Tender documents available from Public Contracts Scotland. Tender returns should be submitted via Public Contracts Scotland, no paper copies will be accepted. Should paper tend ....
Film Scanning Mastering and Restoration Services
Buyer : British Film Institute
The BFI requires several Suppliers to deliver Film Scanning, Mastering and Restoration Services under a Framework Agreement. The British Film Institute is responsible for the accessibility and preservation of a significant share of the UKs film herit ....
Norfolk Coroner post mortem CT Scanning service
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Following previous engagement on a CT scanning solution for post mortems for the Norfolk Coroner, we are developing the service specification and would like to engage once more with the market to invite interested bidders to a meeting to hear more ab ....
Buyer : North Lanarkshire Council
Capital funding was awarded for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years for a Corporate Back-scanning Solution and Storage Requirements. The aim of this project was to only maintain physical files where there is a business, historical or legal requir ....
A second round of market engagement (RFI) to seek further understanding of the services and innovations available in the Document Management market.
Outsourced cardiac MRI scanning services
Buyer : East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
2gether Support Solutions, on behalf of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (the "Trust"), is looking to award a contract under the Most Suitable Provider process of the Provider Selection Regime ("PSR"), i.e., able to identify the mo ....
Provision of dedicated Scanning Acoustic Microscopy inspection equipment.
Buyer : University of Strathclyde
NMIS is in the process of expanding its manufacturing capability into the semiconductor advanced packaging area with specific focus on power electronic semiconductors. To support this expansion, NMIS intends to procure equipment that can support a wi ....
Laser Scanning and Modelling Services
Buyer : The City of Edinburgh Council
The Council have identified the need for a 3-dimensional (3D) laser scanning and modelling Service Provider. The service shall allow for the development of 3D “digital twins” of the Council’s operational properties, improving property data mana ....
Parking Services 2022 - Mail Sorting and Scanning
Buyer : The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London
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