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The Supply of Tyre Management and Maintenance Services.
Buyer : Lincolnshire County Council
This procurement covers Fleet Tyre Maintenance Services for six councils, with each council awarded as an individual lot. The contract includes regular tyre inspections, supply, repairs, and ancillary services. It will run for four years, commencing ....
The requirement is for the procurement of replacement mobile phone handsets, tablets and accessories together with the roll out service associated with the device refresh. XC will also require an ongoing service that will consist of staging devices a ....
The Provision of Waste Mattress Acceptance and Recycling Services.
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The Authority is seeking tenders for the provision of acceptance and Recycling of Waste Mattress Services. In summary, the services will comprise the acceptance, counting and Recycling of Waste Mattresses from the Authority's Waste Facilities. Please ....
This notice closes the abovenamed DPS with immediate effect.
Multifunctional Devices and Associated Supplies and Services.
London South East Collages (LSEC): PIN/Pre-Market Engagement for Debt recovery S ....
Buyer : London South East Colleges
This PIN/ Pre-market agreement is to Invite the interested bidders for the provision of Managed Collection Services. The debt collection agencies (DCAs) who are FCA authorised and regulated. The DCA will offer desk-based collection services, contacti ....
NECS522 NEAS Non-emergency patient transport, unscheduled care (emergency) and t ....
Buyer : NHS North East Ambulance Service (NEAS)
North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) working for and on behalf of NHS North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) wishes to commission a framework agreement for the provision of non-emergency patient transport, unscheduled care (emergency) and taxi ....
Specialised Genomic Cloud Services Framework for Wales’ National Genomics Serv ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Genomics Partnership Wales (GPW) was established as part of the Genomics for Precision Medicine Strategy by Welsh Government in 2017. In 2022 Welsh Government updated this strategy, publishing a Genomics Delivery Plan for Wales which provides a set o ....
Dynamic Purchasing System to provide Extra Vehicle and Staff Capacity to deliver ....
Buyer : Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is being tendered by Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) on behalf of the Trust, Yeovil District Hospital, Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and the Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group ( ....
RFT_23001 - Provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump gr ....
Buyer : Kildare County Council
Kildare County Council Parks Department requires the provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services in individual contracts as the need arises over a three year period.
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