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The Supply of Public Order Shields
Buyer : Metropolitan Police Service
Overview The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), the Contracting Authority, is issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of an upcoming procedure for the provision of Public Order Shields with the aim of engaging wit ....
Supply of Public Order Shields.
Buyer : Unknown
Supply and repair of both MPS Long and Round (short) public order shields, including recycling/refurbishment.
Procurement of Ballistic Shields and Associated Support.
Buyer : Unknown
Protective gear. Procurement of Ballistic Shields and associated support to protect dismounted operators against small arms threat.
The Ministry of Justice would like to procure the supply of public order riot shields to the HMPPS estate. Public order shields are integral for the protection of prison officers and rioters and are used to prevent further escalation of disorder. The ....
North Shields Cultural Quarter: Get into Music & Production Industries
North Tyneside Council wish to engage one supplier to provide training for careers in the music and production industries. The main activity should take place in the Cultural Creative Zone in North Shields known as North Shields Cultural Quarter, ind ....
Magnetic Shields for PIP-II Cryomodules
Buyer : UK Research & Innovation
UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Magnetic Shields for PIP-II Cryomdoules. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is: UK Research and Innovation Science and Technology Facilities Council Sci-Tech Daresbury D ....
South Shields Town Hall Modern Workplace Alterations
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
The Council wishes to embrace new requirements for the modern way of working by creating collaboration areas, provide additional meeting spaces, address general noise issues within the current floor layouts with acoustic treatments and provide approp ....
North Tyneside Council wish to engage with one supplier, with a strong knowledge of and experience of working with creative practitioners and organisations across North Tyneside, to deliver bespoke one-to-one and one-to-many mentoring for Cultural & ....
Bereavement Audio Visual for South Shields Crematorium
Buyer : south tyneside council
Bereavement Audio Visual for South Shields Crematorium
14 Market Place Refurbishment, South Shields
Buyer : south tyneside council
The works involve the refurbishment of an existing 1960's three storey concrete framed building located within South Shields' Market Place to facilitate the relocation of a Council service.
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