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Local authorities have a statutory duty to provide travel arrangements for eligible children and adults to schools, day centres and other establishments. The Client Transport team within Buckinghamshire Council Transport Services provides: Home-to-sc ....
Buckinghamshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") for the provision of certain transport services to children and vulnerable adults (the Services). The Council is conducting the procure ....
Dynamic Purchasing System for Home to School Mainstream, Special Educational Nee ....
Buyer : Buckinghamshire Council
This FTS notice is to cover previous OJEU Advert details below: Submission date: 15/02/2019 Document number: 2019-000002 Submission ID: 20190215-005732 Buckinghamshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System ( ....
Emergency Short Term Care Beds Hospital Discharge Project 1
Buyer : nottinghamshire county council
Provision of Emergency Short Term Care Beds to Support Hospital Discharge - Older Adults including those with Dementia and/or Physical Frailty
Provision of Emergency Short Term Care Beds to Support Hospital Discharge - Olde ....
Buyer : nottinghamshire county council
Provision of Emergency Short Term Care Beds to Support Hospital Discharge - r Older Adults
SOL - Short Term Care at Home (Pathway 1)
Buyer : solihull mbc (sol)
Solihull's hospital discharge service, called the Home Discharge Service (HDS) and admission avoidance service, called Early Response Service (ERS) have both been running since 2020 and 2021 and the contracts are due to expire in September 2023. Both ....
SOL - Short Term Care at Home (Pathway 1)
Buyer : Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Solihull's hospital discharge service, called the Home Discharge Service (HDS) and admission avoidance service, called Early Response Service (ERS) have both been running since 2020 and 2021 and the contracts are due to expire in September 2023.Both ....
SOL - Pathway 1 (Short term Care at Home) Market engagement
Buyer : solihull mbc (sol)
Dear all Following on from our engagement event with you last November on the tender process for home discharge and admission avoidance services, we are intending to have a second engagement event in March, just prior to the tender going live in Apri ....
Expression of Interest for providing care to support a planned Short Term Care C ....
Buyer : Plymouth City Council
We are seeking to establish the level of market interest in providing care to support a planned Short Term Care Centre for Plymouth. There will always be situations where it is necessary for people to be admitted for periods within an acute setting t ....
Provision of short term Care and Support at Home (Reablement & Home Care)
Buyer : Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust
Midlands Partnership NHS foundation Trust (MPFT) is looking to procure providers who are able to provide a care and support at home. These Services forms part of a suite of Integrated Prevention and Discharge to Assess (D2A) 'Home First' services acr ....
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