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Level 6 Social Worker (Integrated Degree) Apprenticeship
Buyer : Milton Keynes City Council
Milton Keynes City Council are currently out to tender for the provision of Level 6 Social Workers (Integrated Degree) (ST0510) . Suppliers that would like to take part in this tender process are invited to 'Express Interest' upon which the ....
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Agency Social Workers and Adult Service ....
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
Swansea Council intends on establishing a framework agreement to fulfil Social Worker and Adult Services residential requirements and to fill vacancies that arise within various teams across its Child & Family Services and Adult Services teams. It is ....
PA invites organisations to participate in a 60-month DPS for the provision of Health and Social Work Services. The DPS will be accessible by all current and future Clients of PA. The DPS may be used by all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local ....
Contract for the Provision of Agency Social Worker staff
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
Swansea Council intends on establishing a framework agreement to fulfil Social Worker requirements and to fill vacancies that arise within various teams across its Child & Family Services and Adult Services teams. It is often necessary to temp fill v ....
YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of the International Recruitment of Social Work Roles and Associated Services. The Framework is designed to allow YPO to meet the needs of all Local Authoritie ....
Social Work - Early Career Framework Programme
Buyer : Department for Education
The Social Work Early Career Framework (ECF) will significantly extend the training and support social workers receive in the early stages of their career, helping to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need and retain them in the professio ....
Scoping a national approach to pay and career development for qualified social w ....
Buyer : WLGA
We are looking for a dynamic individual or small team to lead a project scoping work to develop a more consistent national approach to pay and career development for social workers within local authorities.You will need to be able to bring a sound kn ....
Learner experience of regulated social work programmes
Buyer : Social Care Wales
Please see Speculative Notice document attached for outline of requirements.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at ....
The Department for education is seeking the provision of initial qualifying social work education through an employment-based, fast-track route. We are looking to secure a contractor to:1) Train 700 - 900 social workers through 2 cohorts, starting in ....
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