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HSE 17466 - Multi-Supplier Panel for the provision of short-term temporary and l ....
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
The Health Service Executive seeks to appoint suitably qualified recruitment agencies to two Panels – Tier 1 and Tier 2 - in order to meet the need for short-term temporary and locum nurses and midwives including Specialist Nurses/Midwives to the h ....
Expressions of interest – Provision of Specialist Nursery Service for Disabled ....
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
Wrexham County Borough Council are looking to commission a specialist nursery service, for disabled children, with an appropriately registered and suitably experienced nursery.The nursery will be supported by WCBC through provision of assessed equipm ....
2024/25 Specialist Nurse Provision at The Croft - NHS West Yorkshire Integrated ....
Buyer : NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
The Croft is a therapeutic residential children’s home in the Pontefract area. The home offers children and young people the opportunity to be settled, after periods of disruption to their lives, as many will have experienced placement breakdowns, ....
Youth Justice Specialist Nurse
Buyer : london borough of hackney
To provide a Specialist Nurse Service, embedded within Hackney's multi-agency Youth Justice Service, which contributes to supporting and improving the physical health and wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people across Hackney. The service w ....
Barnsley Integrated Diabetes Services: Community Specialist Nurse and Outpatient ....
Buyer : NHS Barnsley CCG
This service delivers two elements being the Community Specialist Nurse and Outpatients provision as part of the diabetes integrated pathway model.The fundamental aim of the integrated pathway model is to provide a seamless service for the management ....
Norwich Heart Failure Specialist Nurses.
Buyer : NHS North and East London CSU
Service modelThe services will be delivered by heart failure nurses, working with other professionals across a range of settings and organisations including General Practice and acute settings.The service will:— Provide expert clinical knowledge an ....
Norwich Heart Failure Specialist Nurses
Service model The services will be delivered by heart failure nurses, working with other professionals across a range of settings and organisations including General Practice and acute settings. The service will: o Provide expert clinical knowledge a ....
Alcohol Specialist Nurse Service.
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
Alcohol Specialist Nurse Service in Hampshire.
NHS Barnsley CCG: Barnsley Integrated Diabetes Services: Community Specialist Nu ....
Buyer : NHS Sheffield CCG
The attached specification document 2 provides an overview of the aspirations for a collaborative alliance contract within Barnsley to deliver an integrated diabetes pathway service model. This specification outlines the elements of the service that ....
NHS Barnsley CCG: Barnsley Integrated Diabetes Services: Community Specialist Nu ....
Buyer : NHS Barnsley CCG
The service aspires to a collaborative alliance contract within Barnsley to deliver an integrated diabetes pathway service model.The elements of the service that apply to the community specialist nurse and out-patient provision.The specification form ....
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