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UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has awarded a contract to Best Scientific for the purchase of a trinocular stereomicroscope.
Award of Purchase of Stereomicroscope with inbuilt Camera (MS-P-0307)
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Directorate is inviting tenders for the purchase of one stereomicroscope with an inbuilt camera at Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen.
PURCON 2054 Fluorescence stereomicroscope
Buyer : university of east anglia
The purchase of a fluroescence steromicroscope for a UEA BIO project following competitive quotation exercise.
GB-London: UKRI-2908 Stereomicroscope with Fluorescence
Buyer : uk research & innovation
The supply of a Stereomicroscope with Fluorescence. Associated equipment, accessories, installation and delivery are also included.
CEFAS21-28 Fluroescence Stereomicroscope
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Requirement: Cefas require to purchase a single Fluorescence Stereomicroscope with a high-resolution camera for microplastic work. Technical requirement: 1.1 x Fluorescence Stereomicroscope 2.Fluorescence LED illumination systems 3.Suitable for Nile ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Purchase of five BMR DC Digital Stereomicroscopes
Supply of 2 x stereomicroscopes with the ability to zoom into detailed features of macroinvertebrates ie hairs on legs so a good zoom range without losing the required level of detail is needed. There has to be sufficient working room to be able to m ....
CEFAS21-28 Fluroescence Stereomicroscope
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Cefas (The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) the 'Authority', is an Executive Agency of the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It is an applied science agency that primarily supports g ....
Research-grade Stereomicroscopes for Amgueddfa Cymru
Buyer : amgueddfa cymru - national museum wales
The Museum’s collection research facilities support examination of a wide range of artefacts, specimens and objects. We are updating and expanding our existing Leica stereomicroscope suite and require 5 research-grade stereomicroscopes (on a mixtur ....
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