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Essex County Council is looking to offer collective energy switching services to households and businesses in Essex by engaging a Contractor to operate the Essex Energy Switch Service and support the Council in its aim to reduce fuel poverty within t ....
Wrexham Energy Switching Service
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
As part of our commitment to promoting affordable warmth, Wrexham Council wants to make it as easy as possible for households across the County Borough to benefit from the financial benefits of switching their energy supplier on a regular basis.We ar ....
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise. Award notice for the Supply of Probe beam switching frames including delivery to UKRI- STFC
Supply of Biofuel for the Industrial Fuel Switching Programme
Buyer : Glass Futures
GFL is looking to appoint one or more supplier/s to provide various biofuels as part of its ‘Industrial Fuel Switching (IFS)’ Programmes industry trials. These trials will be carried out at various participating glass manufacturing plants in orde ....
Supply of Biofuel for the Industrial Fuel Switching Programme
Buyer : Glass Futures
GFL is looking to appoint one or more supplier/s to provide various biofuels as part of its'Industrial Fuel Switching (IFS)' Programmes industry trials. These trials will be carried out atvarious participating glass manufacturing plants in ....
Luminate Education Group - Project B Extreme Switching Tender - AWARD
Buyer : Leeds City College
Luminate Education Group (the Group) is seeking to purchase additional Extreme Switching Infrastructure to operate and be managed alongside its current Extreme estate, as detailed in Appendix C - Extreme Specification. Contract: this is an one of pur ....
AP8653 - Rack PDU 2G, Metered by Outlet with Switching, ZeroU, 32A, 230V
AP8653 - Rack PDU 2G, Metered by Outlet with Switching, ZeroU, 32A, 230V, (21) C13 & (3) C19
Extreme Networks Switching Equipment
Buyer : the city of liverpool college
Awarded via an Exception to Quotation process (internal process)
Switching of Energy Electric and Gas within Void properties, Rich
Buyer : north yorkshire council
it has been discovered over the past few years that due to the installation of prepaid meters and now smart meters when a property becomes void, it is now in most cases an issue that the property electricity supply to the property becomes disrupted d ....
GSS24102 - 101 Jobs - Switching Sectors Spin-Off Campaign
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
**THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION *** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise.
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