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SCC is looking to develop a comprehensive high-level housing, accommodation and ....
Buyer : surrey county council
SCC is looking to develop a comprehensive high-level housing, accommodation and homes strategy to create a single view of housing in Surrey, a coherent picture of the housing challenges and highlight the interrelationships synergies between them.
SCF0325 - SENSE: Synergies in Integrated Systems: Improving resource use efficie ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Specialization, intensification and spatial separation of crop, livestock and forestry production systems have contributed to climate change and biodiversity loss. Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems offer multiple opportunities to reduce th ....
Contract for the Provision of Services to the University of Birmingham - NAQS Sy ....
Buyer : university of birmingham
Contract for the Provision of Services to the University of Birmingham - NAQS Synergies Identification
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