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Invitation to Tender - Pitch side advertising (Football or Rugby) for Keep Wales ....
Buyer : Keep Wales Tidy
Between 20 April and 31 August 2022 Keep Wales Tidy will deliver a National Roadside Litter campaign as part of the Caru Cymru program - an ambitious movement designed to improve the quality of our environment through a focus on reducing litter and w ....
Thurrock Town Tidy and Beautification Project (Welcome Back Fund) - AWARD
Buyer : thurrock council
Thurrock Council has been awarded funding from Government under the Welcome Back Fund (WBF) to deliver projects within key location around the borough, with a view to improving business resilience to COVID-19, strengthening the local economy, improvi ....
Keep Wales Tidy Website Design & Build (2021)
Buyer : keep wales tidy
Keep Wales Tidy, one of Wales' leading environmental charities is looking for an agency who are able to design and build a new website for us.The site will need to draw together a number of large national programs and projects, with multiple stakehol ....
Penistone Area Council — Clean, Green and Tidy Services
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The Penistone Area Council, via Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (The Council) is looking for a provider to supply and manage services associated with improving and maintaining a clean, well presented and welcoming physical environment across th ....
Penistone Area Council — Clean, Green and Tidy Services
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The Penistone Area Council, via Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (The Council) is looking for a provider to supply and manage services associated with improving and maintaining a clean, well presented and welcoming physical environment across th ....
Penistone Area Council - Clean, Green and Tidy Services
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The Penistone Area Council, via Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (The Council) is looking for a provider to supply and manage services associated with improving and maintaining a clean, well presented and welcoming physical environment across th ....
Penistone Area Council - Clean, Green and Tidy Service
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Provision of clean, green and tidy services for the Penistone Area Council.
South Area Council — Provision of Clean and Tidy Services
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The South Area Council is commissioning a Provider to deliver an education, volunteering and environmental service in partnership with local residents and / or local community groups and organisations. The service will compliment existing service pro ....
Penistone Area Council; Provision of Clean, Green and Tidy Services
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The Penistone Area Council, via Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (The Council) is looked for a provider to supply and manage services associated with improving and maintaining a clean, well presented and welcoming physical environment across the ....
North Area Council; Provision of Clean and Tidy Services.
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
The North Area Council wants to commission a Provider to deliver a service that will complement existing Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) service provision to improve the overall environmental appearance of the 4 wards that make up the ar ....
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